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Mobile Application Development Services

We develop mobile applications that enable the digital transformation of businesses and facilitate the lives of users.

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What’s In Our Mobile Application Development Services?

We offer many mobile application development services at Atomomic. You can choose the one you need or combine several for even better results.

Our team can tackle anything from custom mobile development for iOS and Android to building cross-platform apps to designing user experiences and outstanding interfaces.

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Product Discovery and Idea Generation

Our approach is focused on building a strong foundation for exploration and idea generation in your broader innovation system. Our services include market analysis, business modeling, product scope design and technology stack proposal creation, all designed to turn your ideas into reality and drive core business innovation and transformative growth.

Product design

We design your product in different layers, starting from product information architecture, product design requirements, user experience, user interface design and functional requirements design. Our goal is to provide you with a design that not only looks good, but also meets your users’ needs and fits your business goals.

Technology Consulting

We help companies and startups leverage technology to generate exceptional business value. Our consultancy services cover the entire process from architectural design to implementation. We work closely with you to realize your technology vision.

PoC and MVP development

With PoC and MVP approaches, we offer a cost-effective and low-risk assessment of your product ideas and help you determine your product’s fit for the market without investing heavily in product development.

Native & Cross-platform Applications

Easily get your native app and reach a wide audience segment. We produce solutions for any device running Android or iOS systems.

Mobile API

Integrate your tools into your mobile app to maximize your digital business performance and make all processes more efficient and convenient.


We offer a range of DevOps solutions to streamline the development process, including cloud migration and continuous integration, delivery and deployment.

Post Production Support and Maintenance

We ensure that your applications are always up to date, maintaining their security, stability and usability through regular upgrades, updates and bug fixes.

What is Atomomic’s Development Process?

Stage 1: Product Idea

We take your opinion, examine all the factors and come up with a clear development plan. This stage includes:

✅ Market and competitor analysis
✅ Audience analysis
✅ Solution concept definition
✅ Business model design
✅ Feature set design and estimation
✅ Team building and planning
✅ Technology stack recommendation

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Mobil uygulama geliştirme
Mobil uygulama geliştirme

Stage 2: Product Design

Our team develops a seamless user experience and interface look and feel for your app. This phase includes

✅ requirements engineering
✅ data modelling
✅ user experience research
✅ user experience design
✅ brand identity creation
✅ user interface design

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Stage 3: Backend API Development

We create interfaces to ensure that all user groups have the necessary access to your application. This phase includes:

✅ API design
✅ API development
✅ Providing API security
✅ Create comprehensive API documentation
✅ Improve the ability to scale and automatically recover the system

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Mobil uygulama geliştirme
Mobil uygulama geliştirme

Stage 4: Mobile Application Development

We adopt an iterative approach to realise the prototype. At this stage we:

✅ Selection of the library and all technologies required for the application
✅ Configuring and installing the development environment
✅ Defining the client-side architecture of the product
✅ Developing solutions and algorithms according to specifications
✅ Covering the code with unit tests

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Stage 5: Application Test

Before the application is released, we ensure that it is of high quality and error-free. This stage consists of the following:

✅ Functional testing
✅ Load test
✅ Performans testi
✅ Compatibility test
✅ Localisation testing
✅ Safety testing

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Mobil uygulama geliştirme
Mobil uygulama geliştirme

Stage 6: Publication

When the quality assurance process is successful, we publish the application. At this stage we:

✅ Build the infrastructure
✅ Configuring and installing integrations
✅ Monitor application performance and quality
✅ Publish the app on Google Play Market or App Store

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Stage 7: Maintenance

Once released, we continue to keep an eye on the application to improve it. This phase consists of:

✅ Adding new features
✅ Processing updates
✅ Making necessary improvements
✅ Support

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Mobil uygulama geliştirme

Why Choose Our Mobile Development Services?

Despite the complexity and fragmentation issues of the mobile app ecosystem, our process allows us to build and test mobile apps quickly. When you choose our mobile app development services, you get an app that

High Performance


Up to 99.9% Crash-Free


Cyber security


Our Toolbox for Creating Mobile Apps

We use Android & iOS platform specific tools and languages for Native Mobile app development. We follow the latest technology trends and have hands-on experience in building custom applications.

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Frontend – Android


Frontend – iOS




That’s why our customers like us and recommend us:

At Atonomik, we facilitate communication between customers and teams by scheduling daily, weekly and monthly calls and meetings and creating a communication plan. This is how we ensure that all stakeholders have a clear vision of your business goals.

To avoid budget overruns, prevent schedule slippages and minimise project risks, we have created a robust Project Management Office whose purpose is to ensure that the product we work on meets the expectations of our customers and end users. Our project managers take responsibility for the scope, schedule, budget and team to deliver your product smoothly.

For optimal output, we use a variety of software development methodologies and techniques, including Scrum, Scrumban and Scaled Agile Framework, depending on project size and type. An agile and proactive approach enables us to deliver your project on time while avoiding emergency work, rework and schedule slippages.

We believe that our customers should have as few worries as possible. Therefore, when circumstances change and you need to increase the size of your team, we add as many people as needed to finish everything on time. We bring together the best multi-skilled specialists for you!

Our clients are from all over the world, so we know how to establish and facilitate communication and co-operation. All our specialists are fluent in English and continue to improve their language skills every day. Our goal is to make time, culture and location differences imperceptible.

To realise your business goals and create an application that will be in high demand in the market, the Atonomik team conducts business and market research. The insights we gain from this research allow us to create a feature list to fulfil the needs of your end customers.

Which technologies do we specialise in?

We Strengthen Our Operations with Advanced Technologies: Here are the Technologies We Use

Do you have a project?

We will help you find the answers you need. Just contact us and we will turn your dream into a product!

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